Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday, July 17 - Food for Thought: Your celebratory relationship with food; a discussion by Susanne Meyer Fitzsimmons

Jean-Claude’s Artisan Bakery is delighted to present a food discussion by local holistic living author, foodie and blogger, Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons on the deck of their Greenwood Lake shoppe.

Susanne will discuss shifting your relationship with food away from “good food” or “bad food,” to a more holistic and celebratory way to view food. And nobody knows more about a celebratory relationship with food than master pastry chef Jean-Claude, who will also demonstrate the making of a delicious galette for all to sample.

Lots of food for thought to take away from this evening's talk!

Please call the shoppe to register. For information about Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons, please visit her website at And you may visit the Jean-Claude’s website