Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Solar House Tour at Our Warwick Home: Saturday, October 4

The American Solar Energy Society's National Solar Tour, currently in its 19th year, is the largest grassroots solar event in the nation, involving about 150,000 participants and 5,000 solar-energy sites nationwide. This year, the Fitzsimmons family in Warwick will debut their new contemporary hybrid zero energy/Energy Star house as part of the national tour.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014, the Fitzsimmons family will open their home at 28 Cascade Road with tours at 10am, 11:30am, 1pm, and 2:30 pm to explain the energy saving features of the house, with professionals on hand to answer in-depth technical questions. House features include: 

  • photovoltaic net metered solar panels
  • geothermal HVAC system (with hot-water assist feature) is 3 - 4 times more efficient than conventional heating/cooling systems
  • triple-pane European swivel-tilt windows
  • LED lighting, and much much more

While there is no registration for the tour, the Fitzsimmons request that people arrive promptly for their selected tour time, turn around at the top of the driveway, and park downward for easy exit.

For more information, visit the American Solar Energy Society website at www.ases.org.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Thursday, July 17 - Food for Thought: Your celebratory relationship with food; a discussion by Susanne Meyer Fitzsimmons

Jean-Claude’s Artisan Bakery is delighted to present a food discussion by local holistic living author, foodie and blogger, Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons on the deck of their Greenwood Lake shoppe.

Susanne will discuss shifting your relationship with food away from “good food” or “bad food,” to a more holistic and celebratory way to view food. And nobody knows more about a celebratory relationship with food than master pastry chef Jean-Claude, who will also demonstrate the making of a delicious galette for all to sample.

Lots of food for thought to take away from this evening's talk!

Please call the shoppe to register. For information about Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons, please visit her website at www.susannemeyerfitzsimmons.com. And you may visit the Jean-Claude’s website atwww.jeanclaudesbakery.com.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Wednesday, March 26 - For the Love of Food: How a Holistic Approach to Food Can Lead to a Holistic Approach to Life

Consider your own relationship with food.   Do you love it, savor it, feel good about it, and does it nourish your soul? Or is it perhaps riddled with guilt, confusion, or questions and misgivings about the state of our food?

Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons will discuss the creation of a deeper dialogue between us, our bodies and our food, which is too often non-existent or dysfunctional, and how this dialogue can open our awareness to a more holistic way of living on many other levels.  Susanne will share her experiences of growing up in a different food culture from which her passion for food arose, discuss holistic ways to positively engage with it and create a conversation that may enhance your relationship with food as a gateway to a more holistic lifestyle.  

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday, March 9: For the Love of Food...

Consider your own relationship with food.   Do you love it, savor it, feel good about it, and does it nourish your soul? Or is it perhaps riddled with guilt, confusion, or questions and misgivings about the state of our food?

Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons will discuss the creation of a deeper dialogue between us, our bodies and our food, which is too often non-existent or dysfunctional, and how this dialogue can open our awareness to a more holistic way of living on many other levels.  Susanne will share her experiences of growing up in a different food culture from which her passion for food arose, discuss holistic ways to positively engage with it and create a conversation that may enhance your relationship with food as a gateway to a more holistic lifestyle.  

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26 - Health: What it is, How we do it, and Who the Actual Healer is.

Many of us still operate from the Western model of fixing our ailments by going to the doctor for pills and procedures, similar to bringing our car to the mechanic for service.  This model puts healing outside ourselves and into the hands of "experts." 

Explore the energetic and mind-body-spirit models of our body and ourselves with Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons as a basis for a holistic health and healing model that is infinitely more fun and exciting and goes much deeper than our current model.  

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday, February 9: Health: What it is...

Many of us still operate from the Western model of fixing our ailments by going to the doctor for pills and procedures, similar to bringing our car to the mechanic for service.  This model puts healing outside ourselves and into the hands of "experts." 

Explore the energetic and mind-body-spirit models of our body and ourselves with Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons as a basis for a holistic health and healing model that is infinitely more fun and exciting and goes much deeper than our current model.  

Saturday, January 25, 2014

For the Love of Food How a Holistic Approach to Food Can Lead to a Holistic Approach to Life

Consider your own relationship with food.   Do you love it, savor it, feel good about it, and does it nourish your soul? Or is it perhaps riddled with guilt, confusion, or questions and misgivings about the state of our food?

Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons, a holistic adventurer and writer, will discuss the creation of a deeper dialogue between us, our bodies and our food, which is too often non-existent or dysfunctional, and how this dialogue can open our awareness to a more holistic way of living on many other levels.  Susanne will share her experiences of growing up in a different food culture from which her passion for food arose, discuss holistic ways to positively engage with it and create a conversation that may enhance your relationship with food as a gateway to a more holistic lifestyle.  

Monday, January 6, 2014

Health: What it is, How we do it, and Who the Actual Healer is

Many of us still operate from the Western model of fixing our ailments by going to the doctor for pills and procedures, similar to bringing our car to the mechanic for service.  This model puts healing outside ourselves and into the hands of "experts."

Explore the energetic and mind-body-spirit models of our body and ourselves with Susanne Meyer-Fitzsimmons as a basis for a holistic health and healing model that is infinitely more fun and exciting and goes much deeper than our current model.  

Join us on January 6, 2014 at 6:00pm at Pleasant Stone Farm - 130 Dolson Avenue, Middletown.  There is no charge for this event but please call Pleasant Stone Farm to reserve your spot:  845.343.4040.